Verin Chavez

On January 10th, 2022, the boy band ENHYPEN released their most recent album, ‘DIMENSION : ANSWER’. It is a repackage of their first full length ‘DIMENSION :  DILEMMA’, which was released back on October 12, 2021. The newest album consists of the original nine tracks, along with two more, adding up to a total of eleven tracks in the repackaged album.

“Blessed-Cursed” is the title track of the “ANSWER” album, one of the new additions to the total number of songs. “Polaroid Love” and “Outro: Day 2” are the other tracks added. “Blessed-Cursed” has a music video posted under the band’s label, BELIFT, a subsidiary company of HYBE LABELS. 

The title track was released three weeks ago, on January 10th, 2022. It currently has 20 million views and 144k comments from fans all over the world. ENHYPEN as a group is currently charting at 13th place on the Artist 100 of the Billboard Charts, having charted for 5 consecutive weeks. 

The overall message of the repackaged album is the story of the struggles of being unheard and wanting to find your own path. The main message of the title track itself is trying to break free from the already carved path that those above them are trying to suppress. The setting of the music video is from the early 2000’s, from the outfits to the camera work. 

One of the special features in the album is track six, “Blockbuster” featuring Yeonjun of TXT (Tomorrow X Together). The two groups work together under the same label HYBE.