Student Awards

Alexa Encarnacion

On February 5, 2022 Jonathan Montesino’s won the “JAC creative expression short story” contest for writing his short story “Thank you, brother” and was awarded with the Junior American citizen award, got certificates, $25 and will get the chance to participate in the next level competition. DAR good citizen awardees from JCA, JCH, PCH, PEH, and PNH. DAR awardees included a $25 Walmart gift card and the winner won $100. 

The event started off with singing in and putting on name tags, then everyone stood up and said the pledge of allegiance by Francis Bellamy and America’s creed by William Tyler Page. The president of this program then proceeded with giving a message about the national defense and women’s issue minute. They talked about how important and strong women veterans are. It is extremely important for women veterans to be recognized and honored for doing their job because of the sacrifices they make in order to protect our country.

At the end of the ceremony the president gave a nice speech about how we, as American citizens, are the hope for our country and that we are responsible for building the future. I definitely agree with this statement. We are the future for our country and we are responsible for making this country a better place for everyone. There was also cake and many different types of desserts which were really good.