Priscilla is a biographical drama movie that is written and directed by Sofia Coppola, it’s rated R. It was filmed in October of 2022 but released in October of 2023. This movie is about a teenage girl named Priscilla Beaulieu (14), who meets a guy named Elvis Presley (24) at a party. He’s a superstar and has never met or talked to her in his life. This took place in the late 19th century. The movie is filmed from Priscilla’s perspective rather than Elvis’. We can see how she reacts to his death and how someone so young can truly love and adore Elvis.
The movie was cinematic and very visually appealing. The costumes that the actors had were amazing! Loved them! The scenes give us the full perspective of how Priscilla viewed Elvis’ temper and how much she truly loved him. She loved him so much that she stayed with him even after he cheated on her. The movie focuses on the dramatic atmosphere which is shown by the cheating scandals. There weren’t many “happy” scenes between them. The movie itself was longer than it was thought to be. For some of the scenes, the actors were whispering and it was very difficult to hear and understand them. One of the best scenes would be when Priscilla wishes to be buried next to Elvis.