Art of Failure


Lydia Casaus, Reporter

Throughout the years, each person meets a point in their lives where they’re in the lowest state that they could ever imagine. It feels as if the life they had in their hands were slowly slipping through their fingers. They sense as if they were a failure in in their life because of someone’s spiteful words. It is because of those words that hurt someone so much that it’s hard for them to gain success when they think success is not possible for them. This is the Art of Failure. These are the times when they need to be lifted up and for someone to show them that their lengths they thought they could reach is only the beginning of what they could accomplish. When failure hits, you have to learn how to overcome it and not let it consume you. Creating something new can be the thread of hope that you need.

Sometimes, it can seem that your life is surrounded of negativity and can put limits on what you think you could achieve. Having a journal can release all of the negativity and create a more positive atmosphere to make you successful. At the end of each writing, write something positive. It can be something that happened that day or something about yourself. This can lift you up from depression and be released from the feeling after failing at something. In the end, it can make you believe in yourself once again.