Fuller House Review


Patricia Sanborn, Reporter

The first episode of fuller house kicks off with the ever famous returning cast of Joey (Dave Coulier), Jesse (John Stamos), Becky (Lori Loughlin), Stefanie (Jodie Sweetin), Kimmy (Andrea Barber), DJ (Candace Cameron), Danny (Bob Saget), and even little Nikki (Blake Tuomy- Wilhoit) and Alex Katsopolis (Dylan Tuomy- Wilhoit). The return began because of the possible selling of the house and leaving of Danny and Teri along with Jesse and Becky off to L.A. to host another talk show. The episode also reveals DJ has had three children, Tommy (Dashiell and Fox Messitt), Jackson (Michael Campion), and Max (Elias Harger), with a recently deceased husband who remains unknown. Another big reveal would be Kimmy Giblers child Ramona (Soni Bringas) and soon to be ex-husband Fernando (Juan Pablo Di Pace). At the beginning of the episode it is made clear that we are missing one key character, Michelle. The cast themselves even points it out at one point all looking towards the camera with disappointed looks. Throughout the first episode it is made clear that DJ is struggling being a single mom and often relies heavily on others to help her out with the kids. By the end of the episode the house is off the market, because DJ is staying in it with Stephanie who cancels her DJing tour to help out and move into Joey’s old space in the basement and Kimmy who sets up camp in Uncle Jesse’s old space in the Attic. The only problem with this arrangement is the fact that Jackson and Ramona do not get along and end up fighting over bedroom space. The fight eventually ends with Max and Jackson moving into DJ and Stefanie’s old room creating a flash back like scene when Jackson tries to run away copying DJ’s actions when she first found out she was going to be sharing her room. The episode ends with a going away party for all of those leaving with surprise faces like Steve (Scott Weinger), DJ’s old love, showing up and still making his interest in DJ known. One of the ending scenes is Joey, Danny, Jesse, DJ, and Stefanie singing to baby Tommy then eventually it turns into DJ, Stefanie, KImmy, Ramona, Jackson, and Max singing to a fussy Tommy recreating the scene all those years ago when they sang to Michelle the Flintstones song.


Here is a short teaser trailer of the Netflix series through YouTube:
